Tuesday, February 27, 2007

So you want to be My President in 2008....

  1. Promote policies of "self-reliance".
  2. Combat wealth redistribution.
  3. Increase investment in the military (tax hikes to finance this are OK with me).
  4. Be willing to use the military in a bold fashion.
  5. Be a leader, not a panderer or over-analyzer.
  6. Sell (as in talk about them) the positive economy (IE: talk about how great the economy has been doing and how some indicators are out-dated. Many stats used by the media do not account for the$$ people are saving via investments..)
  7. Sell (as above)Military victories.
  8. Expose why "feel good" legislation is damaging and misleading.
  9. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
  10. Play the media game instead off giving of the "I don't have time for this BS." Tell 'em just that..
  11. Willing to make unpopular decisions for the country's best interest.
  12. Don't let your opponent push you off message with their personal attacks or half-truths.
  13. Strictly interpret the Constitution.
  14. Emphasize enforcement of the too many laws we already have.
  15. Leave issues like definitions of marriage and abortion to the states, where they belong not the federal government (see 13). (And remind your opponents of this).
  16. Secure our borders.
  17. Zero tolerance for illegal residence in the country.
  18. Severe penalties for people who expose/leak military/intelligence secrets... This includes media/internet organizations. (see 13).